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Are national covid cases plateauing? | India Development Debate
Covid cases in parts of the UK hit plateau as Europe cases soar
Dr. Anthony Fauci: Virus cases plateauing, coming down
COVID-19: Cases plateauing in parts of India but Omicron infections surge
COVID-19 cases plateauing or declining across parts of U.S.
Headlines: India's Covid Cases Surge Past 2 Crore, Govt Says Cases Plateauing In Some States
New U.S. COVID-19 cases plateau after steep drops
Why India's Covid cases plateauing for 37 days is not good news
'No signs of plateauing' in Florida's COVID cases as DeSantis refuses to mandate masks
France's lockdown easing in doubt as the fall in Covid cases plateaus
Fauci Says Covid Could Be Plateauing in U.S.
New York's Governor Says COVID-19 Cases Have Plateaued